The end of January reminded us that winter wasn't quite done yet and the frosts returned with a vengeance. Despite the emergence of bulbs we knew we had to survive a few more cold days and nights before spring could really arrive and brighten the grey days.
We managed to have a couple of days away to visit my Uncle at the end of January and checking on the weather we planned to return before the snow hit. In fact we woke the next morning to find that there had been heavy snow all through the night and the woods were adorned. Thank goodness we made it back home before this landed.
I do love how the trees look when they have a covering of snow, so much so in fact that I take lots photos.
The main part of the woods was transformed with a thick layer of snow. We had such a cold spell that the snow stayed for nearly a week and didn't even begin to melt.
There was a thick covering of snow on all the trees and the paths, we could hardly see where the paths had been and we were just hoping that we weren't trampling over all the new sprouting bulbs.
Nearly every year I take photos of the trees across the field in a neighbouring farmers' field, they always seem to catch the light beautifully and especially with the snow they look wonderful.
I think this is one of my favourite pictures.
At least Finn was enjoying the snow.
After the first few grey days the sun appeared and although it was still cold the trees and shrubs looked even more spectacular.
Even Jess was happily running around in the snow.
Daffodil walk looked stunning when the sun shone, the trees were still laden with snow and even some of the bulbs were managing to poke through the snow. I can hardly wait until spring to see if all our planting in the autumn comes to fruition.