
Tuesday 18 July 2017

New Experiences and Challenges

As we are well into summer we find ourselves in that strange in-between period when all the sowing, potting up and planting out is finished and we bide our time until the harvesting and storing of produce begins in earnest. The crops are growing, the flowers are eventually blooming and we have had a few succulent peas and beans to enjoy.

It's hard to believe that it is almost a year since these 2 cheeky little piglets came to live on our smallholding.

It was exciting and at times also a little scary to think that we had 2 feisty piggies to look after while trying hard not to get too emotionally attached.

I can't quite get over how big they got in such a short time.

I love this picture of Ginger's tail poking out the back of the ark.

They were always really difficult to photograph as they never both looked at the camera at the same time so this is one of the few pictures of them both.



Breakfast and Dinner - their favourite time of day

You have probably guessed from the numerous pig photos that we recently bade farewell to our 2 porky friends. It has been an emotional few weeks preparing for their departure both physically and mentally. However, this was always the plan, using our land to provide our own food and alongside all our fruit and veggies that included our meat. So, our little smallholding just got that little bit smaller. It's somewhat quieter and there is a certain empty feeling as we pass the pig pen but it's getting slightly easier every day. Thank you Ginger and Spot for all the fun times and the wonderful memories we have - it's certainly been an experience.

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